Sources at Healthy, said scientific research on a month earlier, made in Germany Young found that mostly soft plastic shoes worn at home and in hospitals (clogs) contains elements causing cancer .

In the survey, scientists have selected the top 10 pairs of shoes are by famous mom and expensive on the market for an experiment. They were surprised when the results came out showing that this type of shoe containing PAHs (Romanian police sting Lee elarge hydrogen carbonate) up to 60%. Coolest PAHs are chemical substances that cause cancer and can make changes in gene profiles of thousands of people when it knows through the skin into the body.

PAHs can also be dangerous when we absorb the smell of it, and when it penetrate through your skin we. The study also showed that this type of shoe with black contain PAHs than other shoes. Besides this, they also have solvents and heavy metals in the footwear category.

There are many pollutants in the footwear category, which can enter the body through the skin. If you want to wear shoes above you should use socks before wearing it

Also notable that only the top brand shoes genuine Crocs, which does not contain PAHs. But it still has a number of other substances that can make our skin Caleb Messiah.