Fans large number surely know, what is the image and video 360 degrees, ie, it will not display the same tabs flattened like video normal, that it's a video recording surroundings photographer and it will help you to see access to the situation that was more unique than before. Samsung and LG have a connector external cameras, which allow their smartphones in a 360-degree video camera, Apple still remaining. Nonetheless because now, iPhone users can also shoot pictures and videos as 360 degrees, and with special camera equipment.

External camera is one created specifically for the iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s and 6s Plus by Insta360. It is very simple and easy to use, simply plug your USB port and open it to them. It has two cameras backends with a record 210 degrees and using Insta360 puzzles as 360 degrees. Users can capture images and video and can be used to distribute software on Facebook or YouTube.
What is more special than the other, the camera has already embedded battery of 800 mAh and storage and therefore we do not need that could rock and storage than before. Meanwhile, the device also recognized standards MFIs from Apple as well, so users can certainly use it the most reliable.

The device will go on sale in late July, and it may also be sold in the Apple Store. In the box, we not only get the camera, but we also Virtual Reality is also a tool to view photos and videos that we've already filmed.