Dutch researchers claimed that a person who has undergone treatment for colon cancer may occasion more relieved if they took aspirin pain relievers.

New research conducted by scientists from the University of Leiden University Medical Centre have found that patients taking aspirin regularly surgery is the risk of dying from colorectal cancer, less than 50 percent. Benefits such as aspirin may help reduce the spread of cancer.

The researchers explained that aspirin go off (blocks) effective COX enzyme (a protein abomination inflammation and cancer spread) and stopping the tumor cells from the site to create and develop into cancer in other places in the body of the patient.

During 6 years of experience in patients with colorectal cancer Phase 3, about 999 people showed that 18.2 percent of patients taking aspirin rates their deaths are only 38 percent as you do not use the death rate from the disease rose to 48.5 percent. Comparing patients who took aspirin after colorectal cancer diagnosis found that survival rates better than not swallow as 53 percent.

Published in JAMA Internal Medicine Dr. Gerrit Jan Liefers leaders researchers said: 'Our data may cause complicated on dose and time of use of aspirin as an anti-cancer agent. Dr. adding that the daily use of low levels may prevent the spread of colon cancer in patients The first stage.