In fact, fruits and vegetables is extremely beneficial for the body, but we also know that some fruits and vegetables should be eaten in moderation is not too much, because they can cause significant harm than benefit.

So today Khmer recommend the following vegetables can often contain substances affect the body unconsciously if you eat more point:

1. Cabbage: It is high in vitamin C, but you must first be cooked before eating. This is because if you eat it raw amount of oxalate in the cabbage will cling reincarnation of calcium in the kidneys and 2 cause you have kidney disease or kidney stones. In addition, you can also have problems in the digestive system can not digest the sugar leads to bloating and diarrhea. Besides, it also contains Goitrogen compounds inhibit the formation of thyroid hormones in Iran and Iranian national blood will also lower than normal.

2. Cauliflower: Be careful who consumed raw, since broccoli is also a variety of vegetables such as cabbage. So if you do not want to have the symptoms of bloating or diarrhea, then do not eat it either raw or cooked Although the cooking should not eat too much.

3. Broccoli: It's in vegetables such as cabbage and polish, so it's cooked cooked before eating raw because it contains substances that pose a risk to the thyroid gland.

4. Beans: Beans should amounts of crude glycoproteins and lectin very high, the substance that led to nausea and diarrhea after eating raw after 3 hours. In the United States Food Organization also issued a warning that not only the beans, but beans all kinds Do not eat raw or too much, otherwise it may cause harm to the health of the series.

5. Tell: not to eat fresh vegetables, beans, often prone to react to the substance. Toxicology Center of Public Health also said it can cause nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing and low blood pressure. Compatibility should take before eating or boil it first to ensure the safety and eaten in appropriate amounts.

6. Grapes: The Ministry of Health reported that grapes, fresh or grape pickles contain Cyanogenic glycoside that can convert to a poison to the body and if the body gets this substance in large quantities, it will attach to the hemoglobin causes the disease lack of oxygen can make coma and death due to the pain. Therefore, experts recommended to take the grapes to cook before eating cooked because heat will help metabolize Cyanogenic glycoside well and should limit the amount of proper eating well.

7. Potatoes: Cyanogenic glycoside also in potatoes. Defense Office of Epidemiology Disease Control Department, said that if eaten raw potatoes will cause deadly brain, causing death and cause dizziness, headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea or vomiting.

8. Spinach: raw leafy greens are also enthusiastically oxalic acid to eat it, the more it will affect the intestinal tract and inhibit the absorption of iron and calcium your body. This may also be the cause of kidney stones also should avoid eating too much spinach.

9. Mushrooms: Mushrooms cooked fresh or has been found to contain Agaritine pathogenic type of cancer. But it will disappear on its own if these mushrooms are cooked and beneficial to health if eaten in appropriate amounts.

* However, like to emphasize once again that all these vegetables are not restricted in the eating, and it is still a very useful vegetable for health, but please quantified clearly first in consumption.