Children should not be allowed to sugar intake to no more than 6 teaspoons per day. This is an amount equal to a small piece of chocolate cake and less soda cans. Orange coke contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar, while a piece of chocolate contains sugar levels under 6 little spoons.

For many children drink sugar and cake is adding sugar a lot to the daily diet of them. But according to a new report by the university's medical Egypt, Mauritius in the city of Atlanta, USA, said that the consumption chamneichamnok snacks and bangaemochamaeab that contain sugar than 6 teaspoons can pose risks to the health of children.

The study also warns that children under two years should not add unnecessary sugar into their daily diet. One teaspoon of sugar is equal to the amount of 4 grams. 6 teaspoons or 24 grams of sugar and 100 calories.

Similar findings this National Institutes of Health recently introduced to children aged 4 to 8 years old should not take sugar in excess of 3 tablespoons (12 grams) was. From the age of 9 years or more, they should not exceed 8 spoons, because it makes their risk of diabetes, high blood pressure symptoms, cardiovascular obesity and many others in the future.