Mosquito bites are extremely hurtful people everywhere almost every season and Zimbabwe variety of pathogens such as dengue and malaria. But you know that some plants can expel mosquitoes?

Here is a plant that helps drive mosquitoes and you should be planted at least one tree, not unemployment. And it is best to plant can be kept in the bedroom or house.

1. Lavender
Lavender effectively expelled mosquito effective. Planting a tree, or more, in order to protect yourself from mosquito animals.

 2. Leaves Bar
You can plant them in pots at home kitchen garden bedroom.

3. Citrus leaf aperture
The leaves of citrus effective aperture to expel mosquitoes and fruit also useful. You can plant in pots in the garden or in the house.

4. lemongrass
Lemongrass contains Citronella oil, which is used for making candles dismissal mosquitoes. Planted around the yard around your house.

  5. Yelllow flowers
Daffodils contain a substance called Pyrethrum, which can expel mosquitoes mighty. You can plant a garden or planted in pots indoors.

6. Garlic
Garlic effectively expelled mosquito almost unbelievable. You can plant it in the garden around the house.