Physical activities such as exercise, play sports, which lasted half an hour every day to help reduce accidents caused tumors, especially breast cancer and colon cancer. Conversely, weight gain and obesity baskets lead to cancer. So majeure effective weapon against cancer is in your hands. What do you think?

Currently, the number of Khmer citizens have adequate intake as ever hear jokes such dishonor, "Pol Pot died of starvation, but this generation we die." However, today there are Khmer citizens no less than to overweight and obesity trolouk troln baskets. The research showed that overweight and obesity is the start of heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. According to a recent survey conducted in Europe showed that overweight and obesity can cause cancer.

For many years, researchers suspect that physical activity and prevention of cancer, the relationship between each other. On the occasion of the European Convention on cancer euro Rome Harris held in June 2005, Dr. Christine Francisco Modern data collection epidemiology history Nuon. She concluded that players avoid colon cancer and breast cancer and low and can reduce prostate cancer, lung cancer and cancer of the uterus. Parallels also overweight can cause an increased risk for cancers of the colon, postmenopausal women for breast cancer, endometrial cancer, kidney cancer and throat.

The study focused on cancer patients' physical activity and attention as a warehouse. Special research on Europeans aged 35 to 70 years more than 5 thousand people a healthy conducted over the past 7 years on many important points as well as physical activity. Comparison habits of patients with cancer and patients without cancer had stunning results.

The study illuminates the prevention of cancer

You should choose a moderate physical physical activity such as brisk walking, cycling, stair by foot to practice gymnastics in 1 day, 30 minutes and 5 times in 1 week better. Women and men need to maintain its mass lower than 25, even when the menopause. A separate survey in Europe in 2003 on diet foods to eat. People who eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and other food stuff to eat very little meat, meat portion sugar, fat and eggs, they can reduce cancer of the digestive tract (especially the colon, esophagus and stomach) up to 30% courts.

Until today, there has been explained in detail about the benefits of physical activity and diet. But there are many conclusions that probably induced climate hormone (sexual hormone testosterone metabolism), volatility of growth factors or change the function of bodily systems. Today, there are other investigation was launched to find out that physical activity enhances the effect on cancer treatment and the like.

Sport much lower cancer

The relationship between physical activity and cancer health benefits to the body considerably. Overall, physical activity, even if it is the livelihood activities profession professional entertainment and activities at home can help reduce the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer and breast cancer. According to Prof. Michel institutions, the founding director of the European Rome Harris showed that 1 in colorectal cancer occur in approximately 36,000 breast cancer occur in women, more than 40,000 people.

But the survey showed that those with the most active physical activity can help reduce colon cancer by up to approximately 20%. Instead, a large waist (abdomen) can increase the risk of cancer by 40% this is most common in men.

Women with frequent physical activity can reduce the risk of breast cancer up to 30 percent more than women not using force. Instead, obesity baskets menopause can increase the risk of cancer by more than 30%.

Researchers seem to have difficulty in isolating physical activity and being overweight. Because sport can help prevent weight gain, the excess kilos. So that sport can be a constant weight and ward off certain cancers. This is not to say that people thin no matter what happens.